Monday, October 11, 2010


Update: This one was impossible to find so the Swag Guy had mercy moved it. So if you couldn’t find it, check out the blog again!

Hurry! There’s a new code search! Check out the latest blog from The Swagbucks Guy and he’ll give you what you need to find it. Good luck!!

If you haven’t signed up for Swag Bucks, what are you waiting for? Join in on the fun and earn bucks for doing what you do online anyway!

Here’s what to do:
Click here to sign up.
Then download the toolbar here.
Follow the instructions to set it up.
Then just use the toolbar to search for things you normally would and earn big!!

Get bucks for:
Entering in codes from the toolbar, swidget or blog (I’ll post when there are new ones!)
Doing Trusted Surveys
Daily Poll
Trading in old cell phones, IPods and video games
Referring friends.
AND even more new stuff to come with more bucks!

So go ahead and sign up today by clicking here and start earning some really cool stuff!!

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